
L'Enfant (2005)

This is powerful and stunning piece of cinema. From the opening scene of a young woman carrying a new born baby in her arms and pounding on a door.

We are on the street with a thief who appears to be in his late twenties, his girlfriend who is substantially younger and their new born son. The young parents are clearly immature, though the mom has clearly stepped up to the task of being a mother. The father is dispassionate about everything except making more money, including the sale of his son. As the film progresses, we understand that the title "enfant" refers not to the baby, but to the father.

The film is all shot on location in the city with a documentary feel. The actors splendidly capture the carefree nature, coldness, dullness, and tension in their life. The script of the film could probably fit on four sheets of paper as the speaking is minimal, but very potent.

Truth: Children need love.

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